The GOSPers' infantile inability to take responsibility for any of their actions indicates a deep-seated desire to be a) coddled by their mothers, which is why they work so hard to keep women limited to the mother role, and b) controlled by their fathers, in the person of an omnipotent strongman who can dictate their behaviors.
9/11? That was Clinton's fault, even though his people specifically warned the incoming Butch Administration to keep an eye on Osama Bin Laden and his pals. Butch tells a grieving nation he will catch him dead or alive. Then later he says it doesn't matter if we catch him. Then later when he's worried about what people might say, he's hot on the trail again.
The economy? It was great in the Clinton years, even after Clinton and the Congress did the two things GOSPer economists always say will kill the economy -- increased taxes to help balance the budget and raised the minimum wage. The GOSPer revisionist history says the good days were the magical residual effect of St. Ronald Reagan.
A trillion dollars in tax giveaways to the wealthiest Americans later, we are in the tank. The trickle down has trickled down mostly in the form of tips to scantily clad Cayman Island cocktail waitresses and the guys who swab the decks on their yachts. Whose fault for the federal budget deficit, weak dollar, trade imbalance, etc. that all were in full control of Republevasionists? Well, Clinton's, of course, because he besmirched the Oral Office, and aren't you glad that Al Gore wasn't elected because he would have just surrendered to the terrorists, and how would you like activist judges making people be gay and weaken marriage by getting married.
Now comes Butch all tough and serious saying that the Democratic Congress has failed to do what he told them to do and open up drilling in every park, beach, or vacant lot (on your side of town) in the country. Like the energy crisis just happened the day before yesterday and the six years the GOSPers controlled everything -- White House, Senate, House, every federal agency, most of the media, etc., they couldn't have done anything.
What's frightening is that some little neo-Nazis like Glen Bleeech are wailing that he wasn't tough enough. Bleeech says Strongman Butch should have just cowboyed up, declared that he was going to drill all over the Rocky Mountain west and in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and up and down every beach on the Pacific, Atlantic, and Gulf coasts. "And if the enviropansies in Congress don't like it, just come impeach me and Cheney, too."
Oh, but wait. It turns out that some of those restrictions on drilling are actually White House executive orders that he could change without bashing the Democrats during the political season. White House spokesbimbo Dana Perino says, sure he could act, but Dems first.
GOSPers like to say they are the party of personal responsibility. Yes, they will personally hold the Democrats responsible for anything that goes awry.
(If Beagles wore hats, the Beagle would have to tip its hat to a faithful mountain reader who has broken her fist from pounding the table every time the Current Occupant does something stoopid.)
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