Thursday, February 23, 2012


Boehner (BAY-ner) v.i. a) to cry at the drop of a hat, b) to cry for political advantage, c) to cry so hard one's foundation runs.

Santoriorium (San-TOR-e-OR-e-um) n. a) a facility for John Birchers, Legislate Morality, and Tea Party types to while away their final days resenting and deliberately misinterpreting contemporary reality.

To Steele oneself: To take on whatever forceful opinion you think will take advantage of the moment.
(see also Romnification)

Ryaneseque, Cantoresque. Expressing one's opinion like a fat chicken just shit on one's lower lip, a little pouty, cute, and hurt, now who would question their motives? Also FlamTuckerry

Limbo (lim-BO) prop. n. A place in the ether where honor, honesty, and decency go to die.

Coulterize (cold-TER-eyes) v.t. To sustain a flawlessly sarcastic tone over the course of the same book written several times over with only a handful of names and incidents rearranged.

A preview of General Election ads

As compared with the Democrat's
     Energy policy
     Foreign policy
     Spending policy
     Education policy
     Creepy socialism

Grab yer sanity retention devices

Back to the futile

We'll let you know if you pass the review

Rules to remember

Whaddyre we gon' do?

Viables at a potentially brokered convention...