Monday, June 2, 2008

MeBeagle thinks they doth protest too much

The Republicababble media machine -- across the spectrum from Ari Fleischer to Dana Perino -- have attacked the non-issue that McClllelllann supposedly said the Butch Administration lied. Fleischer baloneyizes, "He uses the word propaganda, and that implies we were saying things that weren't true." And Perino lies about lying right from the font of all Truth, the WH Media briefing podium.
But propaganda is propaganda and it ain't lying, at least according to Garth S. Jowett and Victoria O'Donnell, "Propaganda and Persuasion," who write, "Propaganda is the deliberate, systematic attempt to shape perceptions, manipulate cognitions, and direct behavior to achieve a response that furthers the desired intent of the propagandist." So McClleelllaaan could not have been more acurate in his use of the word.
Now let's talk about deceptions, because the Whine House is fierce about saying how Butch is more honest than George W. Washington....
* Saddam Hussein funded Al Quaeda. They say they didn't say it but they did.
* Oil prices will go up if he remains in power because Iraq controls 19 percent of the world's oil reserves. Hmmm. Maybe there are other factors in the current price of oil, but production has dropped off like a stone since the "liberation."
* The Iraqis will throw long-stemmed roses at U.S. troops and tanks just like in Paris in 1945. Yes, the Iraqis threw things, but not roses.
* This war will pay for itself because the grateful liberated Iraqis will give us their oil money just out of gratitude. Everyone knew or should have known this was weapons-grade BS at the time.
Some Republical friends have yapped at close range that these weren't lies, but in the words of FauxNews, you decide.

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