Sunday, December 27, 2009

Scientific music

Scientists are trying to relate to the common man with raps about the Large Hadron Collider (featured here months ago), love songs about the LHC (as here), and a Buzz Aldrin-Snoop Dog rap about moon landings.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Let's dance


Roman police on parade

Friday, December 4, 2009

Swinging Dick at Fighting Bob

A review of David Plouffe's book and observations on the current situation at Fighting Bob, the Beagle's primary source of all things badger.

In sports news...

A high-powered Beltway producer forwards this sneak peek at the Woods' Christmas card.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

And where is the Beagle who looks after the sheep?

Late Hadron News

(BB) ENDOFTHE WORLD -- Apparently the end of the world didn't happen, as billions of earthlings went about their business, if you want to call it that, even though business was down in many places.

A little particle of some scientifically designated subcategory blasted into or past some other complicatedly named subatomic somethings and nothing untoward happened. They said. Scientists, to the extent you want to believe them. Which any right-minded Americans shouldn't.

Beagle slow to rouse despite urgent Capitol Hill policymanufacturer alerts.

The good folks at CERN

...provide a handy diagram to illustrate what is going on at the Swiss-France border, but with all the technology available to them, why do their graphics look like an Atari game?

Set yer recorders

Take one teleplay-emitting device of your choosing, add Budd Schulberg, Elia Kazan, Andy Griffith, Patricia Neal, Lee Remick, stir over a smoldering fire and step back just before it explodes!

It's the Sarah Palin story -- starring Andy Griffith as Sarah Palin and Lonesome Rhodes' Cracker Barrel Hour as the timeless platitudes that resonate so well with the Faux News and totally independent Tea Party network.

Tuesday, Dec. 8, 9:45 p.m. Eastern -- Turner Classic Movies -- A Face in the Crowd.

Wait-a-minute. It's the Billy O'Really? story -- A radio and television personality travels to work in a limousine, assures the people he hates that he's on their side, manipulates the masses through highly charged, emotional canards, and gets his money railing against the elites.

No. Check that. It's the Glenn Bleech story -- A buffoon collects enough bromides to be considered a genius and captures the imagination of the country with his dark conspiracies and predictions.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Wishing you a klezmer kristmas

2 minutes and 49 seconds of holiday cheer

lyrics here

"Must be Santa" was written by Bill Fredericks and Hal Moore and made popular by Mitch Miller in 1961. The recently recorded version replaces U.S. presidents for the names of Santa's reindeer...

Go ahead and sing along.

Yet another precursor.

Decide for yourself whether that dance in the first video is more of a Hungarian csárdás or a Romanian sirba.


After the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE, many rabbis discouraged music. Merrymaking at weddings was still allowed, and the klezmorim developed to fill that niche.

The first klezmer known by name was Yakobius ben Yakobius, a player of the aulos in 2nd century Samaria. The style and structure of modern klezmer is traced to 19th century Bessarabia, where the bulk of today's traditional repertoire was written.

Influenced by Slavonic, Greek, Turkish, Arabic, Ukranian, Moldavian, Tartar and Gypsy musical traditions, the klezmorim used numerous tempo changes, irregular rhythms, dissonance and improvisation to generate a musical style that is easily recognizable and widely appreciated all around the world.

In medieval times, klezmorim wandered from shtetl to ghetto to perform at various joyful Eastern European occasions such as birthdays, circumcisions and weddings.

Klezmorim were often poor and known t0 prefer alcohol and women to study of the Torah. They were considered pariahs, barely higher than beggars (shnorrers) and criminals. Even so, many developed reputations high and wide and were in great demand.
(Klezmer music in a few words)

Felix Mendelssohn loved it. Franz Liszt hated it. George Gershwin and Benny Goodman borrowed it, so to speak.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Large Hadron Update

The MSM has been silent on the LHC but the BB will get the 411 PDQ from our friends at Wikipedia:

On September 19, 2008, the operations were halted due to a serious fault between two superconducting bending magnets. Repairing the resulting damage and installing additional safety features took over a year. As of November 9, 2009, particles were going half way around the LHC, and the first high energy collisions are expected to most likely occur in early 2010.

If these particles are supposed to be going all that fast, how come they started out Nov. 9, 2009 and haven't got around to colliding yet?

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Why we fight

Ticonderoga No. 2

New things to worry about

The Beagletown Bugle considers it our responsibility to alert those masses happily skipping through life, hardly wondering about the consequences of firing 192 mondo lasers that focus 1.4 megajoules on little dabs of deuterium and tritium.

Scientist theorize the resulting nuclear fusion will generate power effortlessly, cleanly, and painlessly in multi-job creating operations that could be in production in a decade. Hell, we won't even need the sun anymore. We can just pop a few megajoules through a glass of water and bam! power the world's eight billion whizbang phones and 100-inch plasma entertainment centers.

According to Newsweek, 10 gallons of water could produce as much energy as a supertanker of oil. And who has all the water? Canada, of course. In 20 years, Canada will own the world.

When water replaces oil

Look out! Ok, we're still like even with Russia and beating China a little, but hey -- Norway, Iceland, Suriname, Chile, and Belize will be world powers. Looks like Brazil, New Guinea, Australia and New Zealand will do okay, too.

Ask Dr. Hin?

Q: What the hell is a megajoule?

A: The megajoule (MJ) is equal to one million joules, or approximately the kinetic energy of a one ton vehicle moving at 160 km/h (100 mph). For convenience, one joule can be expressed as:

Q: What is a one-ton truck doing going 100 miles an hour down the highway weaving in and out of families from the real parts of America headed for good, honest work and mothers with babies on board just trying to get to market?

A: Unlikely cheesy tsotchkes travel back from Mega Lo Mart under own steams.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

What a guy! What a couple-a guys!

Allen Toussaint is one of the most generous spirits in music history, a gracious man in a rough culture who gave up on school-trained music to follow Perfessor Longhair. He started out a skinny kid playing piano and selling songs to Cosimo Matassa and Dave Bartholomew, and has gone on himself to be a neglected pivotal figure in the history of American music. But he isn't necessarily as neglected as Dave Bartholomew, known if at all as Fats Domino's producer, but someone who created a space and time for the most electrifying, innovative music yet.

There is a sliver between the post-Big Band-era swing and the be-bop offshoots that was R & B -- when Louis Jordan, Dave Bartholomew, Paul Gayten, Larry Darnell, Roy Byrd and others played that club music with singers like Annie Laurie, Alma Monday, and Chubby Newsome. Then R & R happened and it became a different kind of club, and now it is technopop or something.

Imagine you could go into the Brass Rail and order a Cour-
voisier and sit down and listen to Dave Bartholomew's quintet sharpening up material they might be laying down over at Cosimo's J&M Recording Studio the next day. Damn. Or imagine you got a job working at the Roosevelt pouring water for some banquet Mr. Toussaint was putting on.

Alerted by another Southern gentlemen and frequent contributor.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Early literature

Race purity in the 23rd

Recognizing after a while something isn't news or even a fit subject for commentary because it has gone stale in a post-ironic media environment in which the cameras are aimed across the holler like some cathode-happy Hatfields and McCoys, but just to flog a dead horse, one should note that the Beagle has been gigging the GOSPers about the importance of race purity, keeping social libertarians and potential taxers out of the party or least out of the game for months and now they gone and done it.

Will the tea party gang howl in the GOSPer primaries about purity? Will a Galahad emerge?

Choose yer doc

In America, you always get to choose your doctor. Pick one -- Dr. Christiaan Barnard, pioneer of heart surgery, or a drug-addled baboon government doctor foisted off by a communist system that amounts to extermination camps?

Thursday, October 29, 2009


More educational backwash

Don't end up like these two

A Capitol Hill policy manufacturer who covers stoopidity for the Beagle notes that two Iowa knuckleheads would not have been captured if they read the Beagle and took advantage of our free public service Halloween masks.

Free masks for Halloween

As a public service in these tight times, the Beagletown Bugle provides Halloween masks and masques guaranteed to scare the peewads out of the kiddies. Simply print them out on stiff paper, tie strings through the conveniently provided hole guides, and get out on the street. Main Street or Wall Street, there'll be more yowling than a health care town hall meeting.

Poison? poison? tasty fish.

Don't call me 'monkey.'

Hey, there, big Anglican. Whyncha c'mon up and see me some time?

A president for these difficult times.

Government doctor.

Scare the grandkiddies, too.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Hot on the charts

Some say they are disappointed Barack Obama hasn't changed everything that needed to be changed, like Rome was paved over and lead based in a day. Be grateful, for example, he is going slow on Afghanistan. Once upon a time, it was all "We gotta give the commanders on the ground everything they need until the job is done." There is a place for deliberation.

Remember when we were reckless and foolish, saying, "Hey, we got a big surplus, we should give trillions in tax cuts, trillions more in federal contracts, and we'll still have trillions more?" Those people want back in.

Turning Henry on his head

Pope Benedict the XVI announced his plans to seduce all the Anglicans who lost their way in the 16th century.

Just to be thorough about it, the Vatican should disarm the British Navy, dismantle coastal defenses, and erase all the maps he made. Oh yes, and gorilla glue all the heads back on Henry's ex-wives.

Also everybody in the U.S. has to speak Spanish because there wouldn't have been any English-speaking colonial exercises in the New World.

And if Henry hadn't relieved the Vatican of power and excess riches and used it to built a powerful Britain, there would have been nothing to slow popes down, and we'd all be Catholic by now. And the Vatican would be in a better position to challenge Islamic expansionism.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Reader feedbag

A faithful reader notes that all the attention on "cowboys and monkeys" suggest the Beagletorials should get out more often, possibly setting the Austin Nichols down for a moment and pick up a newspaper.

An advocate of the people in an anti-people, anti-advocacy state forwards an expression of some frustration, well-stated, about the lack of progress. Some longtime observers of the American political scene will find this theme familiar from beaglegone years, such as 1993.

Some readers just say they want more pictures of funny animals. Obliged.

Robot dogs in action

Warning: some mild human-on-robot violence.

Potential proof that this "dog" is Mummenschantz.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Dr. Hin's Ready Primate Guide

Lately, there hasn't been enough attention paid to the misnaming of the douc langur monkey, the southeast Asian Old World monkey recently featured -- some have suggested overexposed -- on the pages of the Beagle.

The douc is more closely related to the proboscis and snub-nosed monkeys than to any of the langurs, not to be snotty about it.

Perhaps monkeys don't care for the taxonomic irregularities since they don't read at a seventh grade level. Yet. But monkey-powered treadmill robots with teleported motivation are coming on-line, and readers are reminded to be alert.

Revolutionary breakthrough

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Questions that haunt us

Sure Quickdraw McGraw was the fastest-shootingest cowboy you ever saw. We won't take issue with the fact that he was neither a cow nor a boy nor technically a cowboy, since he was sheriff. Living in the modern era has conditioned us to cognitive dissonance.

But what was so high-faluting about Quickdraw? Was he pompous or pretentious or pedantic? Just the opposite. Did he ever once say, "Hey, Baba Louie, do you prefer Verdi to Pucchini?" or "Say, pardner, you shouldn't be drinking a Chablis with that Chateaubriand; why not try this Beaujolais?"

Theme song-writers with their deference to rhyme over meaning might attempt to claim irony, and yet they continue to draw their pay -- heedless of the Beagletarian conundrum worldwide.

Equal time

As for rootingest and tootingest, Yosemite Sam claims that he is all that in the West, allowing for the possibility of someone rootier and tootier in the East. Sam relied on volume and the bon mot.

Get a-goin' ya racka-frackin' carrot-chewin' varmint! Not that way, ya idget! Listen here, galoot! I'm the rootingest, tootingest here outlaw in the West! And I wants ya ta get outta here ya no-account, bush-whackin' barracuda! Ya rassa-frassin' fur-bearin' critter! Great horny toads!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

He even wore a tie

Facts is facts

Americans are also more likely to die in military combat than the whimpering, pant-wetting cowards our military has spent the past 70 years defending. -- Ann C(*)lter

Evidence that America's predatory health care insurance/exclusion policies are better than Old Europe's.

[The Democrats'] health care "reform" bill has been exposed at town hall meetings as a power grab over life and death with the strong possibility that "do no harm" will be replaced by a utilitarian approach. -- Cal Thomas

Oh yes, the truth has been exposed. A utilitarian approach, that's like Communism, right?

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Further proof

A North Carolina monkey on a treadmill motivates a Kyoto robot. Believe it or not.
A peek at the future.
Who is behind it all?

Monkey controlled robots on Broadway

Frank Bull's Boogie by Jimmie Grissom and the Blenders

Philology Korner

The inevitable triumph of conservatism over liberalism is apparent. Conservative terms are being generated at a faster rate, and with much higher quality, than liberal terms are.

Powerful, insightful new conservative terms have grown at a geometric rate, roughly doubling every century.

Conservapedia -- the outfit that's updating the Bible to provide the proper context and terminology to understand what Jesus really meant in Matthew 19:21 (Greed is good) and John 18:36 (Jesus would endorse every word of the GOSPer platform if he hadn't been killed by Romans from Old Europe) because there are a lot more words available today than there were in 1611.

Expressions MSM Merriam-Webster won't include

Familiopathic -- Pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage, anti-prayer in school
Anti-infernal -- Denies the reality of a fiery hell for non-believers
Abstinence-denier -- Those who deny the role abstinence plays in preventing unplanned pregnancies and disease
KKK Teaparty -- When the MSM brushes past the upstanding citizens who have never done this kind of thing before and seek out the less intelligent or possibly deranged who do not represent the average participants who just want to say they've had enough
Dolophile -- People who want power by putting everybody on a government check
Dramacast -- CBS News, etc.
Heel-digger -- Denies the inevitable rise of conservatism
Hellbound -- Denies the inevitable rise of Christian conservatism
We the people democracy -- What the right and only the right has the right to expropriate for short-term partisan gain
Media idolatry -- Distracting the masses with gossip
Schlockumentary -- Propaganda or infotainment that diminishes the contributions of conservatives in American society

BeagleCare -- the cure for linear thinking

According to the MSM (NYTimes) daily Beagleship is recommended by Drs. Soren Kierkegaard and Sigmund Freud, both of Old Europe. The Sigster, in particular, described the Beagletown Bugle as "something that ought to have remained hidden but has come to light" like the man who broke into a Slidell home, cooked himself dinner, danced around naked under the surveillance cameras, fixed himself a couple of cocktails, trashed the house, wrapped himself in a sheet and left. "The urge to find a coherent pattern makes it more likely that the brain will find one," like a zen koan or Beaglesentenceparagraph, the Times opines.

Market raiders of a gentler time

The Shaffordshire Hoard may exceed the Sutton Hoo.

Monday, October 5, 2009

The Beagle does not recommend nor endorse

paying some bastards $5,500 for grabbing up a Capuchin baby away from its mother until the baby ain't cute anymore.

Where to get monkey clothes.

Going Rogue -- exclusive excerpts

First of all, no woman in politics has ever been treated with the kind of bias the media likes to dangle out there for the hate America first crowd or anyone else who pulled up by their boots.

Also, they don't get it. McCain't was in the crapper before I came along. I revived the Geezer Express. I was the kind of rebel reformer maverick rogue the country wanted and couldn't get enough of.

But when you hear the stories of regular Americans, who you know are just hoping and a-prayin' for an American resurgence, they want to live in an America where you can be proud to say you're a rogue -- not what Merriam-Webster says, a scoundrel, vagrant, tramp, dishonest, worthless or mischievous person, or a horse inclined to shirk or misbehave. No, not that kind, but a good old, fun-loving, pro-American, red-blooded, rodeo romping Republicackle Rogue Elephant resplendent in victory in 2012.

Friday, October 2, 2009

The latest analysis

The way things are going

To hell with the Clique of Six

You said a mouthful, Tom

Errr...errr...Judgment gets impaired by arrogance, and that’s what’s going on here. -- Sen. Tom Coburn

Kulture/Voodoo Korner

If you only see one zombie movie this month, watch Val Lewton's I Walked with a Zombie at 7:30 a.m. EST Saturday, October 3rd. If you watch two zombie movies, get up a little earlier and watch White Zombie at 6 a.m. Saturday, October 3, with Bela Lugosi. If you watch three voodoo this month, set your tivo for Black Moon with Faye Wray at 3:30 a.m. EST Friday, October 9.

But...if you only watch one movie this month -- zombies or not -- and you have 77 minutes, see William Wellman's Wild Boys of the Road at 1 a.m. EST, Friday, October 9. No Zombies, but plenty of zippy Depression-era action.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Certainty blues

Cheapening evil

For the record, this blog never equated Bush with Hitler. We may have said that when finance capital runs the government directly that is a textbook form of fascism, but we never accused him of death camps or indoctrination centers or plans for world domination.

But some Beagleterribles have become deeply uncomfortable with the way terms get thrown around. Does trying to extend coverage to 47 million uninsured equate to death camps and forced labor?

Dorm room philosophers can argue drunkly about whether Stalin was worse than Hitler or Mao was worse than both of them. But couldn't some grownup stand up and call bullschtuff to tossing names around like a hackey sack and remind people that the Nazi regime didn't start with universal health care, but it did start with misinformed, desperate vitriol spouted by radio personalities.

It's too much to hope there would be mandatory national viewing and discussion of Shoah or Night and Fog just so people would know, but -- short version -- those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Nature Korner

Animal camouflage

Vol. 1, No 1.

Ask Dr. Hin?

Q: There is a thing I heard of, sleep? People lie down, close their eyes and supposedly go into some kind of unconscious state and a lot of them have hallucinations and it seems they are always the heroes or something. Do you really believe that in these modern times?

A: Awaking or asleep matters nothing if you run the treadmill in an unconscious disreality.

Q: The littler kids keep calling me names, and they don't even know how to cuss, so they say things like, "shitdamn" or "poophead." How can I make them stop?

A: The splintering minority sputters they are powerless because they are shut out by the media and only have a vast television, radio, and internet network to provide a septic barrage of propaganda, innuendo, diversion, accusation, invented outrage, and answerless questions. What fraction of the electorate?

Monday, September 28, 2009

More than 27% off


Photo of the Senate Finance Health Care bill.

If you look past the highest per capita collection of rusted pick'em up trucks on cinder blocks and washing machines on right leaning porches, you can see some fine, well-lubricated Amurican social engineering.

The capper is they're taking advice from a lot of shade tree mechanics openly hoping the project's a failure.

What management book did they get that out of?

Many more stoopidities here and here.

Everything you need to know you learned before you got to kindergarten

The original principles GOSPers stand by are deeply ingrained in the psyche, despite the affective learning of public schools:

He hit me first. In all the ugliness that passes for "debate" these days, no GOSPer commentary is complete without saying, "Well, if a Democrat said that, the media would (ignore it/pay it more attention)..."

Mom likes you best. Does CBS, NBC, ABC News really justify FOX's approach to news and information? Just asking.

I don't wanna! Regulations? Taxes? Infrastructure? Public services? We don't need all that, just liberate commerce from the shackles of Obama-style Communism! Hey, we'll support tax-supported, single-payer health care for seniors (Medicare) right up until the time we get elected and vote against it.

If I don't get my way, I'll take my ball and go home. GOSPers showed themselves to be budget busters, whoremongers, petty crooks,and hawks -- and still today. They lost, alright? It happens. But they say forget the right to petition, let's scrub the bush of liberty with the blood of patriots. Hey! Calm down! Wait til next year!

Name calling. Remember how Roland Reagan "restored the imperial presidency"? Only because GOSPers capped the crap for a while. The two-thirds of Americans who support the single payer option should shut up, because the tea party gang is tougher and more committed and smarter, and Democrats are Commie Nazi idiots who want to kill you.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

The latest conspiracies

Natalie Wood (Natalia Nikolaevna Zakharenko/Наталья Николаевна Захаренко) was a Russian sent by the Kremlin on the eve of World War II to corrupt America's youth. You see, once red-blooded American boys got a hold of Natalie, they couldn't control themselves and went off to have sex with the first woman available. Her movies also encouraged cannibalism and marijuana.

James Madison corrupted the original intent of the framers by tacking the so-called "Bill of Rights" to the original 10 articles to the U.S. Constitution. Ten Articles. Ten Commandments....c'mon, what do you think that really means? Did Moses' brother, Aaron, come down with the 12 Exceptions? No, he didn't. Wake up, people.

Karl Marx did most of his research and writing in the Reading Room of the British Library. If he had done his research in an American library, we would have see something much, much different. The Reading Room of the British Library is under a dome -- just like the American Capitol building. Coincidence? Think about it. C'mon.

Кольская сверхглубокая скважина

Those tired of waiting for the Large Hadron Collider to start back up should take a look at the Kola Superdeep Borehole -- 40,000 superdeep into the Kola Peninsula. In some accounts, the effort had to be discontinued because workers found the wailing of souls in hell too disturbing. Science and religion converged around the fact that it became too hot for the drill bits.

The U.S. Mohole -- an effort to get to the bottom of the Mohorovičić discontinuity -- never got that far. It never even got as far as the 31,000-foot Bertha Rogers hole in Washita County, Oklahoma. The Japanese are weighing in with the Chikyū Hakken, but it is not planned to go as deep as the Kola Superdeep Borehole.

Many American holes are far more shallow.

FEMA camps revisited

Secretly, some Beagle- tarians wish the fevered dreams of right- wingonuts was real to the extent that those practicing full-time partisan rants in the guise of news and baseless accusations for their own amusement be frog marched off to a quiet place for a thorough-going thrummage and pummeling.