The Beagle's eastern Tennessee correspondent forwarded a little piece that is going around that helps put the latest episode of Butch stamping his foot about what Democrats aren't doing in perspective.
Joshua Holland, editor of Corporate Accountability and Workplace Coverage, notes that "opening up the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge would result in a decrease in oil prices amounting to 75 cents per barrel of crude, some 17 years from now." [italics editted in] "Opening up ANWR and drilling like Hell offshore would result in cost savings to consumers of about 6 cents per gallon of gas. And that's by 2025."
The Beagle urges the White House to take steps that would produce a more expeditious effect, and that's lift up all four arms in prayer to the gods of the pump. Or adopt the energy policy proposed by the George H.W. Bush Administration -- make sure your tires are properly inflated.
ANWR drilling doesn't save us any money doesn't really fit the Beagle's editorial policy of reporting the news before it happens. If the Beagle wants to report on timely energy policy, it could be talking about the 4.5 billion mile drop in U.S. driving in April, or the market share drop in light truck sales from 50 percent in February 2008 to 44 percent in May 2008. Or just post some pictures of the flooding in the Midwest.