Thursday, May 22, 2014

Celebrating 42 (dog) years of customer "satisfaction"

The Future Is Now (or anyway it was)

The Bugletown Beagle has been carefully reverse engineered from the Repubo playbook...

Great moments in Beagle History

Many readers have asked, does the Beagle have some kind of 
backstory about how it got its Beagle powers & all.
Beagletorial headquarters moved frequently as we were advised, often forcefully, to leave Texas, Oklahoma and Maryland before settling in an undisclosed location.
Neither rain ner snow ner dead of night can stay the Beagle from whatever whatever...
Coda: Greatest under-appreciated cut & paste job
over the Beaglinneum. 

Our deals CANT be beat OR we'll pay twice the difference!


It's not so much an echo chamber nowadays...more like ah...

Additional reading
