Friday, June 6, 2008

Dangers of cosmetic surgery (part 2)

They said the post-9/11 world meant the end of irony, but it has not meant the end of stoopidity and condescension. Cal Thomas opines that the conservative world has a dearth of women candidates comparable to Hillary because they are too busy at home baking cookies for the kids. What's more, a self-respecting conservative woman running for president "wouldn't wear pantsuits -- except when climbing into helicopters."
We don't know if Jeanne Kilpatrick, Phyllis Schlafly, Kay Bailey Hutchinson and others find this offensive as the Beagle does, and we cannot ascertain with any certainty whether Sandra Day O'Connor is spinning in her grave, but c'mon. Did Sandra wear pants went she broke horses in Arizona, or did she modestly ride around in a jeep in her fringe skirt like Dale Evans? And what's with that whole keeping her name thing? If Dale was as conservative and family values as Cal Thomas would want her to be, shouldn't it be Roy Rogers and Mrs. Roy Rogers singing "Happy Trails"?

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