Tuesday, January 19, 2010

New campaign slogan

Fun with numbers

Say a reputable outfit like Gallup Poll says Barack Obama is the most admired male and Hillary Clinton the most admired female and then between Nelson Mandela and the Pope is Glenn Beck, so you say wait a minute...what does that mean in the grand scheme of things?

It means he got 3 percent.

It means 55 people got 1 percent, from Bill Clinton to Tiger Woods.

Not much of a consensus. But please make whatever big deal of it you want.

Monday, January 18, 2010

He calls the President a racist and then...

BECK: I feel like we're on the verge of -- I don't even know what it felt like at the edge of the Industrial Revolution, or edge of the American Revolution, or the civil war, or any of the times -- at the end of World War II where you could feel it. And it's always been a good thing in America except for civil war where you could feel -- wow, things are going to change.

PALIN: Wow. Yes. Yes.

Fait accompli

In addition to being a fair and balanced news analyst, Governor Palin is entitled to a subliminal version of the Presidential seal by virtue of having almost won the vice presidency if the media hadn't been so biased.

Monday, January 4, 2010

.250 batting average

Beagletown Resolutions 2009

- Authentic Beagletown chill gear.
- More frequent and more coherent posts.
+ Animations and mixed metaphors until the cows won't have it.
- Dr. Hin every week, whatever chemical combinations intervene.

Beagletown Resolutions 2010

We promise to make no promises.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Turd of the year

In considering a review of exiting events of the previous year and/or decade, the Beagletorial Board unanimously agreed with the immortal words of Brigadier General Anthony Clement McAuliffe, "Nuts!" to another arguable list of best and worst, significant and trivial, coherent and incomprehensible.

Instead, the wacky soup of 2009 and the unnameable decade it ends really can't be summed up any better than with the Brave New Vision of Mr. Bipartisanship, Karl Rove:

Tea Party movement's power stems from its ideas, and it has been very successful in educating Americans.

Republicans always say they are against a national curriculum, but they are for one that educates the masses in ignorance, fear, bigotry, and xenophobia.

You sort it out

Who says America has complex geopolitical challenges?

What works in my mind, reading the history book, is what Reagan did. He looked at our enemies, enemies around the world, and he said, we win, you lose. -- Sarah Palin in a tough-minded, no-spin interview with Bill O'Really?

In the interest of public safety, the Beagletown Bugle does not recommend that you read the full transcript unless you have a ready supply of anxiolytics, benzodiazipines, kava, brahmi or other reliable sedatives.