Thursday, April 19, 2012

Do these facts make my but look big?

Early announcement

Rules of the road

Yes we can

At this point

With Allen West on the loose You're probably asking yourself, "Am I a Communist?"  Take this simple test to find out.

1.  Allen West is the greatest military hero since George Washington.
          Yes         No

2.  The only appropriate function for the federal government is to go around the world waving its big missiles and scaring everyone into submission.
         Yes          No

3.   The Second Amendment protecting the individual right to own bazookas is greatest commandment and the First is like unto it, "You have the right to practice any form of Christianity you like."
         Yes          No       

4.   Are you willing to make a contribution right now to Allen West so that he can go on protecting America from its enemies at home and abroad?
        Yes          No

If you answered "No" to any of these questions, then you are a Communist.  Not you might be a Communist.  Are one.  Neener neener.  You love Che Guevera,  You want to kiss his fuzzy beard.  Go ahead.  Kiss it, Communist.

Oh, Angels of Conservatism, look down on us

You ain't seen nothing yet

Thursday, April 12, 2012

One fact at a time

What else is on?

Sarah Palin bragged that she kicked Katie Couric's ass -- but, seriously, asks an alert reader, which would  you rather watch in the morning? 


Behind the woodshed

If we don't, we'll be Greece, if we do, we'll be Bulgaria

Basta! Genug!

Where's Waldo?

Whenever they's a fight so hungry people can eat, I'll be there. Whenever they's a cop beatin' up a guy, I'll be there... I'll be in the way guys yell when they're mad an'-I'll be in the way kids laugh when they're hungry an' they know supper's ready. An' when our folks eat the stuff they raise an' live in the houses they build-why, I'll be there.

DIY Beagle

Hey, kids!  Here's everything you need to make up an hilarious item about the hypocrisy of Kay Bailey Hutchinson and Lisa Murkowski for criticizing the GOSPers efforts to cut funding for women's health care and limiting access to contraceptives and safe abortions -- even after voting the party line.  (Hint: make a reference to Zaphod Beeblebrox so folks'll know you're "with it.")  Remember the simple rules laid out by Henri Bergson, Sigmund Freud (Jokes and the Unconscious), and Lenny Bruce (How To Talk Dirty and Influence People).

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Dogs don't have thumbs but they do have rules

If it's not multiples or all of the above 97 percent of the time, the sound has gotten scrambled with another station.
Counts as 3 credits Advanced Media Studies

But hey, if yer 55 and vote our way, we won't change a thing

Counts as 3 credits Economics

Get on board

Counts as 3 credits Political Expediency

Dr. Hin returns

Counts 3 credits Pharmacology

Hope is the thing with a feathered boa

Counts as 3 credits Urban Transportation

Tampa Bay Blues

I'm standing at the crossroads...
America at the crossroads
I'm standing at the crossroads...

Don't know which way is worse
Oooh, oooh, oooh
Don't know which one'll burn me
Oooh, oooh, oooh
They're both inclined to keep me in line
One of 'em likes to fire folks, and the other is a pyro

So I'm standing at the crossroads
Rove and Armey's Crossroads
What'll he do to the economy?

Cut all taxes and regulations,
mmm-mmm- mm
Flaunt American strength to friends and relations
Oooh, oooh, oooh
W-with the Keynesian, it ain't America anymore.
But one of them's deranged
and now the other one's a whore.

SO – I'm standing at the crossroads
Sumnabitching crossroads
Just standing at the crossroads

Which one's less of
Which one's less of an ass, hmmm?
Which one's less of
Which one's less of an ass?

There'll always be tax cuts in my future
Cuts, cuts, cuts
Cotton candy, Paul Ryan budget butcher
so deceptively courageous
Hogwash and horsefeathers
Horsewash and hogfeathers
Oooh, oooh, oooh
TV ads, robo-calls
Which loser would you choose
to be less of a snoozer?

This one don't believe in science
Standing at the crossroads
That one might be half an android
Standing at the crossroads
One's prim and humorless, a reckless theocrat
Standing at the crossroads
The other's missy-prissy, Belgian waffles in a hat
Standing at the crossroads
I'm a-cringing at the crossroads
Cringing at the crossroads
Which way should I go?
Cringing at the crossroads

Counts as 3 credits Music Appreciation

Final Exam

We should have more classes outside.  Discuss.
Counts as 3 credits Looking Schtuff Up in Wikipedia