Thursday, September 8, 2011

Many thanks

for all the accolades pouring in from around the Beaglesphere

An executive in the education/labor field (ret.) observes: The only thing standing between the avalanche of bullshit covering America and sanity is the Beagle

An expert who follows cuisine around the world says приятного аппетита or eat while it's still warm.

An international woman of mystery notes the omission of “earthquakes, hurricanes, marshfires and dirty dishes in the sink” as if the Beagle were prone to engage in pack journalism.

Seems like such a waste of energy...

For release next Christmas: The animated true story of the battle over the debt ceiling

Update your lexicon

Open wide

Why stop at the Postal Service?

Next in line
In the near future
Acquisitions pending

In the year 2014

How it works

Forget debates

It's a beauty contest anyway, so run it like one 

Final Question

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hey, everybody, it's time to plaaay GROUNDLESS ASSERTION!

Look for these

Before the Rapture or after the Rapture, it doesn't say, but...

I stood upon the sand and saw a Beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten bullsht horns, and upon them ten corporate sponsors, and out of their heads an endless stream of vile and hysterical hyperbole.

Don't take my word for it.  See original text for yourself.

In any coffee shop...

EPA and BLM might need a new mission statement

An Isaiah for our times

More ugliness

Updated for modern sensibilities

Later in the same coffee shops...

Keeping up with the times