While doing field work, or what the great Canadian communications theorist Harold Innis called 'dirt work,' in a major southern city that begins with an M and sounds like "untgumry," the Beagle editorial staff became part of the story in violation of its standards and practices by rescuing two known Democrats who were criticizing the Temporary Occupant without drawing the shades.
Republichaotic-controlled squirrels had gnawed through the electrical wires in an effort to prevent them from actually reading the Beagletown Bugle causing a pine needle fire on the side of the house. A quick thinking, let's-take-care-of-the-problem-and-not-appoint-a-freaking- commission-to-study-the-damn-thing-to-death-
or-leave-it-to-the-next-generation-to-fix-style Dem hopped up and extinguished the brushfire just before the fire department arrived.
Impressed with Harold Innis reference!