When Wally O'Dell, CEO of Diebold, Inc. voting machines, said he was "committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the President" in 2004 it made some alarms go off, and then when Ohio provided the slender margin necessary for the commanding mandate that gave the Temporary Occupant carte blanche (pardon my French) for a host of stoopidities, it looked to some (okay the Beagle editorial staff) that Butch had highjacked the White House twice.
As grandma taught us, "To err in our favor only requires a kitchen match jammed in the mechanical voting machine, but to really fix an election, it takes a computer."
If you go to the Stop 'n Rob or Kum 'n Go and buy a pack of gum, you get a receipt -- proof of presence, purchase and preference, but when you punch in the keys in an electronic voting machine, you can only hope and pray that it registers for your favorite candidate, and if there's a power surge, lightning storm, worm, virus, or built-in system to read "McCain't" for "Obama," there ain't nothing you can do.
So if prayer is all we got, the Beagle advises praying early and often.
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