A frequent reader com- plains that relentless coverage of health care and politics, robots, dogs, and monkeys has squeezed out needed attention to the Zombie issue.
First, there is Val Lewton, granddaddy of B-movies, a tortured genius, who died of studio mistreatment.
Then there is important new research on zombie attacks.
Then there is Rahm Emanuel determining that people throwing teabags at you and calling you a Nazi is not an inviting environment for bipartisanship. It took the White House eight months to figure that out?
Then, of course, there are millions of Ditto-heads running around looking for blood to feed their savagery and calling Obama Hitler, not just because Rush told them to, but because they came to their own independent conclusion based on analysis of the facts (people hate Hitler, so if you call somebody Hitler, people will hate that person).
Performance-enhancing drugs may be part of the overall Zombie problem.
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