A Brooklyn Freudian gushes, "I always get a great big kick outta [The Beagletown Bugle] here -- really!...The ideas twinkle!"
We cannot be held fully responsible for the twinkling of ideas, but we will keep our lookout posted for some bigger physics, and sleep with one eye open on orange Zombie alert staus.
A chevalier and "nutritional consultant," reports, "...errr...errr...I been working on my healthcare with lots of po'boys, Abitas, and barbecued shrimp, and it's startin' to hurt, ya'll. Cut that healthcare out rite now, ya heah?"
A Wisconsin book reviewer comes down firmly FOR the sale of Alaska to the highest bidder.
A Capitol Hill policymanufacturer expresses concerns about cleanliness and godliness, suggesting an argument that providing soft towels in the company washroom is a more cost-effective prophylactic against creepy socialism than paying family coverage health care premiums.
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