A Prince George's teacher reports, "Your monthly Beagle cracks me up," suggesting perhaps that a weekly Beagle is too much in this media-drenched environment.
A Rocky Mountain legal advocate writes, "I heard a rumor [the Beagletown Bugle] was alive, but I didn't believe it."
An Alabama attorney of note explains that many remarkable events in the political/media world have gone unremarked of late by the Beagle. We noticed that too.
A certified union goon from New Jersey recommends the Beagle employ a proffredder to reduce er elemenate typogrofficable errs.
A former media savvy Florida boat manufacturer notes, "It's like a cross between the Onion and Mother Jones," but some readers will have to take his word for it.
Ok- well maybe the missing Beagle could report every TWO weeks? It is great to see you back- reporting on the serious news of our day and providing a little humor at the same time!