Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Breaking cat news

A surviving major American newspaper turns its attention away from job losses, loan defaults, declining home values, pension interruptions, and sliding quality of Detroit-area life to note the problems faced by feral cats at a discontinuing manufacturing plant.

The Beagletown Bugel do not have budgets to imploye "fact chekkers," so we will simply pass these facts on unchekked:

* Feral cats prefer not to interact with humans.
* In seven years, one female cat and her offspring can yield 420,000 cats.
* Activists don't recommend taking 420,000 adult feral cats home as pets (all at once).

Forwarded by the keeper of an authentic bi-coastal, feral cat.


  1. Despite some trepidation about what feral activists with access to large numbers of retaliation cats might do,
    it has been suggested that half a dozen coyotes would solve that problem in a day.
