Some of the Beaglarity seems to have gone out of Beagletown, since many of us cannot bear to watch the rightwingos whining constantly about how the only reason McCain't lost was because the media gave such a smooch job to the O.
But recently, the words of St. Bernard of Clairvauw came to mind as it relates to the ecstatic fervor many on the Right have for their so-called principles, which turn on a dime depending on whose oxen are being gored. Take name-calling, e.g. where many of us remember a lot of tut tutting about how referring to the president of the united states as "adoph hitler" was supposed to "cross a line" or how "deficits" emphatically "didn't matter."
But as Bernard explains when it comes to true, passionate love of an individual for an institution (such as Capital Gains Tax Cuts or Roland Reagan), everything else gets defenestrated in a hurry:
"You throw order into confusion, you disregard custom, you know no restraint. Everything that seems a matter of propriety, a matter of prudence or judgment, you triumph over in your own name and bring into subjection" because we're looking out for you!
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