Tuesday, October 14, 2008

On political humor

The whole Beagletorrible board, beagletorporial staff, and even the printer's helpers are agog at the ability of popular satirists and pointed comedy-commentary generators who practice their crafts so ably day after newscycle with a cornucopia of bon mots, beau gestes, and horse dwarves a la carte in the interlectual marketplace.

To some observers, the current political situation is beyond parody -- a senior citizen and his pet bulldog are running as the crankiest ticket in American history on the absurd theme of change which they stole from the other side whom they accuse of a lack of character.

Then there's conservative humor, which can be summarized entirely in repeating the following:

Liberals are dumb, ha ha ha, if you're a liberal, you're dumb, ha ha ha, liberals have dumb ideas, ha ha ha, liberals and their liberal friends are all dumb, ha ha ha.

1 comment:

  1. http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/herocomplex/2008/10/berkeley-breath.html
