allow the Beagletarians to introduce you to our friend, Hillary Clinton. One of the most entertaining occupations this election season has been to watch the Pat Bleechanans, Sean Ham-itys, Billy O'Reallys?, and Rash Limbos talking glowingly about how wonderful Hillary Clinton is. Even Ann C(a certain word)lter said she would vote for Hillary over McCain't, but drat it all, she says she's planning to get blotto with all her righteous sistas and go pull the level for Palin with McCain't just going along for the ride. (Note: Annie is really for repealing the 19th Amendment, since too many women vote Democratic).
Flap about her clothes? Hillary's heard it. Questioning her abilities and judgments as a mother? Hillary's had it. Questions about her preparation, abilities, emotional suitability, sanity, allegations about affairs, questions about her sexual orientation, on-going -- multiyear -- investigations into loose ends and dead ends? She's had it.
Sarah -- come back to us after 15 years of dealing with the constant drumbeat of criticism and questioning, and show us the same good grace and good humor that Hillary has shown, and then we'll decide whether you're as tough as you want us to think.
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