Friday, October 31, 2008
Field notes
A Washington filmmaker finds himself in Portland, Oregon, employing various strategies, presumably including shouting down at Shouting Square whatever that's called where the Bible thumpers and alcoholics howl competing philosophies at each other, or something, he wasn't really specific on the details.
A fretful mother stood over her first born to watch her vote. A nervous nation is waiting to see a first-time Oklahoma voter vote. An incensed Maryland voter takes the 100 percent reasonable position that Diebold should be forced to buy back the machines that Maryland is going to get rid of after this election. If McCain't should win Maryland, it could be an indicator the machines are rigged. If he wins Baltimore, it will be Harare in July.
Beagleland has an extensive network of field organizers and agents from Kampala to Nevada, from Missouri to the rest of Missouri, from all hellandgone and back to your place, but many of them are dilatory about turning in their reports and observations.
If the papers and parties would only listen, Omaha could be in Obama's pocket
that many Republigasp-leaning female voters have been Palineated and may pull the Dem lever after all.
Next steps
See it here.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Ask Dr. Hin?
A: It may take an overwhelming tide.
Q: Are you smoking that koolaid or drinking it?
A: Leave no doubt.
Who cares what the Brits think, but the Economist weighs in
Another Brit, crankier, snottier, and more self-absorbed than Andrew Sullivan, who will probably find this post googling himself and rear back on the Beagleterribles like a rabid raccoon with the gobsmacked flailing, scratching, and toxic dribbling, writes:
The Joe Plumbers of America certainly will connect the dots [that William Ayres and Charlie Manson will be in Obama's cabinet] and make their voices known at the ballot boxes on November 4.
We’ll hopefully have a new first couple in the White House who are for America -- not a couple who have been pushing to usher in a new era of government-dominated socialism that militates against the values of individual liberty and limited government that America has always held dear.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Reader Feedbag

A Brooklyn therapist asks uncomfortable questions about circulation growth, which we have always faithfully reported according to projected votership in Beaglepolls, and although some early projections may have been inflated, it is clear that Beagleship is upwards in the low two digits, still an asterisk on the tip of a smaller asterisk of the conglomerated global media.
Earlier we meant to report that a Connecticut political kingmaker who knew Nancy Pelosi when she was a gleam in the Mayor of Baltimore's eyes now situated in the People's Republic of Northern Virginia did raise his head to bark, "Go, Beagle, go," but has not had other comments or commentary on the present state of affairs.
Ask Dr. Hin?
A: You're a wigwam. You're a tipi.
Q: What?
A: You're two tents.
Q: Since the wigwam is more of a wattle and mud construction, I don't think it qualifies as a tent, in the conventional sense.
A: You get the point.
Q: But, I....
A: Bup, bup, bup...genug!
McCain't-Paling on the couch
Psychobeaglebabblish therapy would begin with a expiatory ritual that could be a "town meeting" of the American people, if you will, in which you begin by apologizing for being such an ass throughout your career, and especially the last few weeks of this campaign.
Dittoheads are obsessed

Conspiracy theory#2: Obama is a socialist and a terrorist, terrorist-socialist, and he and his other terrorist and socialist and socialist-terrorist friends have a secret plan to convert America to a socialist state through state-sponsored terror and taking Rush Limbo off the air.
Conspiracy theory #3: That the skinhead plot to kill Obama was devised to distract the MSM from the smoking gun the right now has that Obama plans to redistribute all the money and guns away from white people and give it to African Americans.
The original Alaskan maverick

He used to be Ted Stevens, irascible King of the Dominion of Federal Pork, but you can call him #11403
For all those who say that Sarah Palin is the most beleaguered woman in American political history...

allow the Beagletarians to introduce you to our friend, Hillary Clinton. One of the most entertaining occupations this election season has been to watch the Pat Bleechanans, Sean Ham-itys, Billy O'Reallys?, and Rash Limbos talking glowingly about how wonderful Hillary Clinton is. Even Ann C(a certain word)lter said she would vote for Hillary over McCain't, but drat it all, she says she's planning to get blotto with all her righteous sistas and go pull the level for Palin with McCain't just going along for the ride. (Note: Annie is really for repealing the 19th Amendment, since too many women vote Democratic).
Flap about her clothes? Hillary's heard it. Questioning her abilities and judgments as a mother? Hillary's had it. Questions about her preparation, abilities, emotional suitability, sanity, allegations about affairs, questions about her sexual orientation, on-going -- multiyear -- investigations into loose ends and dead ends? She's had it.
Sarah -- come back to us after 15 years of dealing with the constant drumbeat of criticism and questioning, and show us the same good grace and good humor that Hillary has shown, and then we'll decide whether you're as tough as you want us to think.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
New Yorker recommended from outside Tennessee.
Colin Powell on Meet the Press.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
A scene from simpler times
Saturday, October 18, 2008
"Liberal" just doesn't carry the same punch
Friday, October 17, 2008
Reader feedbag

A solid mom at 6,000 feet refuses to have her comments on the subject, delivered through gritted teeth, published or referenced.
A friendly Republican suggests that the Beagle has become a teensy cynical and avers that socialism isn't the answer.
An eastern Tennessean recommends a spike in Badweiser consumption, in hopes that Cindy might adopt the United States as her next charity case.
Affirmative action needed for evangelical journalists
Too many Adlai Stevenson eggheads in the MSM don't understand the kind of pick it up and fix it spirit of like the Joe Six-Packs who have the simple, straightforward, American solution to every problem -- bang it with a hammer or wrap it up in duct tape...and, if all else fails, blow it up.
"Since the 1980s, when the Christian right emerged as a powerful force in American culture and politics, evangelicals have made significant inroads in law and government. But they haven't been as successful at changing the nation's newsrooms."
Not since the Synods of Antioch have we seen such a smoldering cauldron of Manichean, Arian, and Anomoean heresies.
How to solve the present economic crisis
More spouses means more income for families making it easier for them to make ends meet.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Ask Dr. Hin?
A: Nothing is the place from which we may begin.
Q: Is that all you got?
A: Nothing is our ultimate destination.
Q: Should I risk another 40 percent hit on my 401(k) or take the 33 percent hit of early withdrawal penalty?
A: I don't think you've been listening.
Isn't the U.S. just like an abused spouse?
More friends weigh in
This campaign has changed John McCain. It has made him inauthentic. A once-first class temperament has become irascible and snarly; his positions change, and lack coherence; he makes unrealistic promises, such as balancing the federal budget “by the end of my first term.” Who, really, believes that? Then there was the self-dramatizing and feckless suspension of his campaign over the financial crisis. His ninth-inning attack ads are mean-spirited and pointless. And finally, not to belabor it, there was the Palin nomination. What on earth can he have been thinking? -- more Chris Buckley
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Transcript tape on fritz again but basically
followed by various Fox commentators saying what they think he should have said for the balance of the hour.
A crustacean explanation of the current crisis
Down off at the boat barn, the new owner packages up the crabs in convenient bushel-sized baskets for sale to the public. And if, at the pace required by the floor supervisor, one tosses in a dead crab or two, it is still the market standard and acceptable if not abused. And sitting in the back of in the parking lot of a Saturday can stress any healthy crab, so that by the time you get home there may be as many as three -- or for some -- as many as four dead crabs and the customer will still likely go back and get another bushel the next Saturday or so.
But let's say, a bunch of spunky ex-frat boys working summers line the bottom of every bushel with dead crabs, and then then some pinstriped pinheads in $2,500 suits consolidate all the crab baggers and they decide to line the bottom of every bushel with two rows of dead crabs, and then some financial geniuses who've been mainlining the rhetoric of the rabid right and voracious laissez faire types in a desperate GOSPer attempt to consume all of the world's resources comes up with the brilliant idea of filling every bushel half full of dead crabs and selling it as a new improved product...
Then people stop buying crabs and start asking about the price of oysters.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Nail-biter in Malé
A sort of puzzle
The niddering attacks of Sarah Palin and the oppugnant nature of her role as vee pee pit bull clash with her agrestic everymom persona. And yet, she comes skirring with fatidical passion to exuviate fubsy caliginosity and vilipend liberals to an abstergent degree, all the while embrangling the American people with roborant vaticinations, waving nitid periapts and wishing griseous malisons that cannot breach compossibility with an Other. She cannot use her muliebrity and sham mansuetude to mask the olid recrement she hurls. The bankrupt policies of the GOSPers right and hard right have led to an apodectic truth, that millenial ages have their own caducity.
Another item poached from Media Matters
From the October 8, 2008, broadcast of Talk Radio Network's The Savage Nation:
MICHAEL SAVAGE: So here we are, here we are, here we are, here we are. We're getting ready for the communist takeover of America with a noncitizen at the helm -- I love it. He won't even produce a birth certificate. Don't you love that? Something as basic as Obama's birth certificate now is an issue. I mean, if he's got nothing to hide, show it to me. Doesn't exist. It does not exist, they can't find it in the Hawaii government. It's never been produced.Here is much more on the non-issue.
Congrats Nobelist Paul Krugman
which caused us to spin down memory lane to the great "debate" between Bilious O'Really? and Dr. Krugman, and later, gloating about his victory, a deluded O'Really? blathers...
"Anyway -- one of the points that [Krugman] was trying to make was that FOX is a right-wing network. You know, he's trying to put us in the right-wing radio category and I ran down -- I said, OK. Let's take it from 6:00 to 11:00. Brit Hume? Leans a little bit right. Shep Smith? No bias at all. Just straight down the middle. O'Reilly? Traditional guy. If you want to put him a little right, go ahead.
Hannity? Right. Rabid right. Colmes? Rabid left. Van Susteren? Left. Add it up.And then commentators -- right down the middle. And guests -- more liberals than conservatives."
On political humor
To some observers, the current political situation is beyond parody -- a senior citizen and his pet bulldog are running as the crankiest ticket in American history on the absurd theme of change which they stole from the other side whom they accuse of a lack of character.
Then there's conservative humor, which can be summarized entirely in repeating the following:
Liberals are dumb, ha ha ha, if you're a liberal, you're dumb, ha ha ha, liberals have dumb ideas, ha ha ha, liberals and their liberal friends are all dumb, ha ha ha.
For those temporarily not worried about the Large Hadron Collider
Acorn responsible for all the nation's problems
Sean Ham-ity's followers are even calling for America to "hault the election" (sic) because it appears the (pro-Obama) fraud in Ohio may overwhelm the (pro-McCain't) voter intimidation and fixed machines in Ohio.
Note for the record: Enrolling names of people who are not eligible to vote is a mistake. Encouraging people to vote under false names is fraud. In a desperate effort to get people's attention away from the economy, GOSPers and their hacks are charging Democrats with a crime that hasn't been committed yet -- an indication of their tough anti-crime stance.
We bad
You might even call him a maverick
Sunday, October 12, 2008
The GOSPers haven't gotten anything right
What we have here is an ability to communicate
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Cheers if you read the whole article...
In the 1620s and 30s, people were purchasing tulip bulbs at higher and higher prices. Such a scheme lasted as long as someone was willing to pay such high prices and take possession of the bulbs. In February 1637, tulip traders could no longer find new buyers willing to pay increasingly inflated prices for their bulbs. The demand for tulips collapsed. Some had contracts to purchase tulips at prices now ten times greater than those on the open market, others owned bulbs now worth a fraction of the price they had paid.
The panicked tulip speculators sought help from the government of the Netherlands, which responded by declaring that anyone who had bought contracts to purchase bulbs in the future could void their contract by payment of a 10-percent fee. Ultimately, judges regarded the debts as contracted through gambling, and thus not enforceable by law.
Kultral Notes
Thursday, October 9, 2008
With friends like these....
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Still looking
Saturday, October 4, 2008
An unreader's excellent essay shanghaied
I believe that Barack Obama and the Democratic Party are the best vehicle to deliver a better America. That is why I am a Democrat. I invite you to read on, and I hope that you are persuaded to join with me in voting for Barack Obama and Democrats in 2008.
How to read poll numbers
The number of readers and potential readers not voting in the Beagle's latest poll shows an overwhelming lack of interest in what the McCain't crowd has to say. Over the top. Highest ever didn't care, don't know, don't ask. Through the roof.
One reassuring note
Oh, that wasn't successful? So you say. History is clear that nobody wanted to deal with the deficits and underinvestments and dangerous international situation that existed at the time. GHWBush had already accomplished his fantasies of sitting the the Oval Office and winning a big war.
And so he rode around on a train to show how in touch with regular folks he was (80 percent who'd never ridden on a train -- except at the zoo) and he was 97 percent successful at making people think he was trying to win.
(One other historic note for HAMity, Limbo, C(a certain word)lter, et al., and that is CBS,CNN, NYTimes and other Bugle competitors have never been on the ballot and they won't be on the ballot again this year.)