Thursday, August 14, 2008

Advanced conservative economics

The Beagle doesn't have budget for transcripts so this is a paraphrase:

Colmes: The Administration's own studies show that off-shore drilling wouldn't have an impact for 20 to 30 years, and it would have only a marginal effect at the pump even then.
Newt: They're wrong.
Colmes: Uh buh...
Newt: Wrong. If you trust the bureaucrats in Washington, I feel sorry for you.
Colmes: Uh buh...
Newt: Look, just the threat of drilling has caused prices to come down.
Colmes: Uh buh...
Hannity: You couldn't be more right, Newt. Next, why I like Lieberman, I really do, but give me a break.

For starts, it's not just Washington bureaucrats whose dispositions are less sunny than Newt's. The industry analysts who -- in the Bush error -- wrote the reports for the Washington bureaucrats also remind us that the promised gush of American light sweet crude is only American until it gets dropped into the big, brackish bucket we call the global market. Then it's just the going rate.

Point B: Do you think the drastic reduction in American consumption over the past three months has had any impact on the price? Well, yes, but apparently only if you study Democratic economics.

Number 3: GOSPer economic analysts all agree that more big fat tax cuts for the richest Americans and direct government subsidies to "private" companies is the answer to all our economic wishes and dreams.

1 comment:

  1. You left out the ebb in commodities investment, and the cyclical reduction in gas prices as the summer ends, gas stations purchase "winter blend" fuels, and people go back to the drudgery of work.
