Half of all GOSPers want better candidates.
What are the qualities they're looking for?
Let's listen in to a recent Beaglemedia International-sponsored
focus group:

This group, most of 'em, sort of finished what
they started – unless they got chased off. It would be better to have someone who just declared victory and quit.
I mean, if Obama gets elected, you know he's gonna stay. But if we had someone more...opportunistic...we could almost be guaranteed we wouldn't have to wait four years for a change. President doesn't pay that well, really. Compared to ex-President. – white Female, 42, between positions.
I mean, if Obama gets elected, you know he's gonna stay. But if we had someone more...opportunistic...we could almost be guaranteed we wouldn't have to wait four years for a change. President doesn't pay that well, really. Compared to ex-President. – white Female, 42, between positions.
Why aren't there any wogs in the race?
I mean a Catholic wog, not a dot wog. I mean, this is 2012, really,
and I think we've progressed to where we could have like a southern
Catholic wog or a southern Protestant woo-woo Indian, right? Our
coloreds are better than their coloreds, right? – white Male, 37, not really looking, but if you know of something, sure, maybe...
When you look at, say, Santorum, I
know he is for liberty for white, male, property owners – just like
the Constitutions says. And he says he would make needed changes in
women's health and reproductive practices, I mean, that seems fair.
But I'd like to see a candidate who'll take a strong stand on
government-mandated chastity belts and full quarantine for women who
are pregnant...or, you know, menstruating. You know, like they did in
Bible times. It worked for them, right? – white Female, 48, SSI
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