What does a "pledge" mean anymore, anything? What does it mean to devote yourself to a commitment, to promise, to swear? Does anything mean anything to anyone anymore?
I spend my dayspracticing break up lines as a commentator and national expertwith any station that will have me and my nights driving up and down Foxhall Road throwing empty bottles of Châteauneuf-du-Pape into the yards of people who once said they loved me...
Capping deductions, or tax expenditures as some call
them, is a far less painful, more economically sound way of closing
deficits. Yukon
Melley sez
The last thing on my list would have been to throw a
bomb into the Senate, have it blow up, and have everybody mad as
heck. I'm just perplexed at the judgement on display here.
Melley sez
We don't have a rules problem, we have a behavior
problem. What we need is a majority leader with a view about
the Senate consistent with its norms and traditions. Yukon
Melley sez
The voters have not endorsed the failures or excesses
of the president's first term, they have simply given him more time
to finish the job. Yukon
To the extent he wants to move to the center, we'll
be there to meet him half way. Yukon
Melley sez
Where are we going with this?
what does it me-ean?
Is there's no there in there
likely less than we pretend to seem?
We got questions til it makes you scream
Stupid, pointless, some obscene.
Waaannnh! What about me?
Sure we got beaten bad
Hunh, what are you trying to say?
This whole, this is a vital thing, umm
I'm gonna flog all day
We've got questions that don't make no sense
sideways, loopedy, cross the fence
out of left field, ridiculous, intense
If you people weren't so squeaky clean
We wouldn't have so far to stretch, eh?
Give us something to work with, please
else we're headed on down Whiggery way
We've got questions from around the bend
questions surely to offend
questions, questions cranky panky you so stanky pooh...