Thursday, May 9, 2013

Ted Cruz For Life

Cause he's got his IQ running
Runs his mouth at ninety-nine
He's got attitude to gig you
Hate his guts? That suits him fine
Cause his world is built around the cause
He don't believe in Santa Claus

And he's oh so good,
& he's oh so right
& he's oh so pious
Morning, afternoon & night
Is he Satan's present resident?
or maybe your next president?
or both things?
He's got lists of White House commies
He's got hit lists by the score
He's nobody's fool I'll tell ya
Just another corporate whore
We are serious as End Times
Can't you get it through your thicks?
Cause he's stone cold good,
Sent from heaven for these times
We don't need no stinking taxes
We'll replace them all with fines
He's the Best We've Got
What Hath God Wrought?
& you'd have to say that
Glenn Beck is his St. John!
You know in his Right he's hard
You know he knows what is best
Til he's sitting in the White House
Some cards he'll keep to the vest
Then he'll nuke Havana & Atlanta
Just to show he's serious, eh, Canada?
Cause you're all just dupes,
And you're all dumb chumps
It's a miracle you chew gum
while yer walking in the dumps
It's never too late for fear & hate
Hey, look, Barbarians at the gate!
Heh, gotcha!
I will promise free bananas
& you'll get them bye & bye
Did I mention free bananas?
Free bananas when you die
Am I Satan's current resident
Or maybe your Next President?
  Cause you'll all bow down
And you'll all be good
We'll be checking on you regular
In your homes & neighborhood
It's the only way that I can see
To keep God's people fully free
is make them! 

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