Thursday, August 15, 2013

Congratulations to matriculators & matriculatees alike

Ok, break's over. Back on your heads.


An important word from the Pantone challenged

At your stupormarket counters now

Gingrich challenged to say what GOSPers have to offer African Americans...

Take note of entrance requirements

An Affordable Care Act like that...

A law like that
'snot like the others.
It's all designed
to kill grandmothers.

Get on the Right side.
We got a birthright.

A law like that
'sbeen birthed by bastards.
It's full of tax
and moral hazards.

Get on the Right side.
We got a birthright.

An exchange is just a word
for Socialism assured.
Obama hates
Why's that so hard
for you to see,
you liberal tart?

It's worth a tizzy
or a riot.
The death panels
should all be private.
Jackboots & mandates
with your police state.
Just wait & see
in two thousand twenty three,
you liberal tart!

       Oh no baloney no
       Baloney no
You all are screwed, this I see.
America's changed, one two three.
I hear your crap.
I can't believe.
& in my head I see
the same old corporate whores,
just dumber I suppose.

You should know better
what's good for all
is good for you.
You should know better.

I have a vote, and it's all that I have.
Right or wrong, what else can I use?
Love it or leave it my ass.
I am America all day
as much as you.

I have a vote, and that's all that I need.
The Right really has gone too far.

I love America – as it is
And all that it can be,
not some Norman Rockwell scene
fifties sitcom fantasy
rerun idealized bull game
gone bye.
That's a lie!

When November comes,
gird your loins & all.
Vote for your very life.
(We're not kidding!)